9 Blog Mistakes That Must Be Avoided

July 14, 2017
As we know, in this world law applies in pairs: day and night, male-female, joy-sad, and so forth. When this law we associate with the world of blogging, one example is there are successful bloggers, there is also the opposite. According to John Chow, this success is at least influenced by 9 errors in blogging.

Therefore, in my opinion, these 9 errors must be avoided if we want to become a successful blogger. What are the mistakes?

1. Not up to date blog

John Chow mentioned that blogs that are not updated are dead blogs. For example, someone who diligently post a few posts in one month. However, one month later the person does not up his datasya again. What's the solution?

Successful bloggers earning tens of thousands of dollars per month it recommends that we consistently up to date blog according to our ability. If we are able to post one post per day, we must commit to doing it per day. However, if we are only able to post one post per week, we have to commit to doing it every week.

2. Blogging is solely for money

When famous, the blog filled with ads and posts paid review without providing the information needed visitors. According Chow, blog visitors generally do not like with so many ads and writing paid review. The solution, we must put both types of monetization is proportional (balanced) so that our blog readers do not feel disturbed.

3. Hastily publish the writing

After typing a post, a blogger hastily pressed the publish button without rereading the page. John Chow suggests that we check at least two or three times the posts to publish in order to avoid typos, the flow of writing that does not flow between paragraphs, and broken links.

4. Do not enter personal opinion

According to Chow, a blog is not a newspaper or online magazine. Visitors will be interested to read if the article is the opinion of the blog manager.

5. Copy and paste other people's posts

Besides being unethical, this activity does not reflect the creativity and uniqueness of oneself. According to Chow, we can create the same writing with the topic of posting others. However, once again we must give our opinion in our own words.

6. Not reply to visitor comments

A blog is a means of two-way communication between the owner and the visitor. When blog visitors commented, Chow suggested "please answer them".

7. Do not give RSS Feed completely

Just give a summary of RSS feeds. John Chow's experience shows that after he has given his RSS Feed completely, his subscriber count has doubled.

8. Do not reach other blogs

According to Chow, do not reach this as do not comment on other blogs, do not give link exchange, do not want to love track back on other blog posts, and do not join the community of MyBlogLog other blogs that are as good as.

9. Write for search engines

Posts created are focused only on the top search engine rankings, not for visitors. As a result, the text is filled with excessive keyword overruns.
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