Canvas and SVG graphic Elements Of HTML 5: Basic HTML

May 31, 2014
Canvas and SVG elements
Graphics is an art of drawing which combines the images, pictures and colors. Graphics attracts every people. Most of the sites have used graphics in web by using images. But when HTML 5 was induced, there was no need to use the picture, some graphics can be done using HTML 5. Graphics in web can be done using 2 tags <canvas> and <SVG>.

<canvas> Tag:

<canvas> tag is often used to draw graphics on any web page. Canvas is a new html 5 elements. You can make color gradient, rectangle, triangle, circle and many vector drawings from the HTML 5. These elements are only supported by the new web browser like IE 9+, opera, Chrome etc. Indeed, canvas defines rectangular area on a web document. Lets see the syntax of use of <canvas>.

<canvas class="canvasimage" width="250" height="250"></canvas>

You should always define width and height attributes of canvas element. If you don't use these two attributes, there can not draw any images. Multiple canvas tags can be used in a single web document. Most of the attributes which can apply in a text that all can apply in the canvas element.
Example of Canvas element.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<canvas  style="border:3px dots #ffffff;" class="canvasid" width="310" height="310">
This text is shown because your browser doesnot support.

You also can use the javascript on canvas element. Using javascript, you can give many effects to canvas in web document.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<canvas class="canvaselement" width="350" height="155">
I think your browser doesnot support this html 5 tag.
<script type="text/javascript">
var can =document.getElementById("canvaselement");
var ctx=can.getContext("2d");

Canvas has two coordinates because it is two dimensional grid. We can use these methods to draw straight lines on canvas moveTo(a,b) which defines beginning point of the line and lineTo(a,b) which creates last or end point of the line.
We also write text in the canvas and give the gradients on canvas. Image can be also drawn by using canvas.

I have not written here more examples of canvas elements because you can see any examples from

<SVG> Tag

Now lets talke about SVG briefly. It stands for scalable vector graphics. Scalable Vector Graphics creates vector shapes for the web document. The main advantage of SVG is that it creates vectors shapes.

By the way there cannot see major differences between SVG and Canvas but there is some difference. Canvas is used to draw 2D graphics and in SVG, the drawn vector shapes are defined as objects.

Form Attributes of HTML 5

May 28, 2014
html5 form attributes
Attributes are like properties that acts some specific funtion in the tag. There are different attributes for different html tags. But today we are going to talk about the form attributes of HTML 5. There is two new form attributes that are induced for html 5.

  1. autocomplete
  2. novalidate

And input attributes are:
autocomplete, autofocus, formaction, form, formmethod, formenctype, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, width, list, min, max, multiple, pattern, required, placeholder step etc.]

autocomplete attribute:- autocomplete attribute is used to specify whether input field is On for autocomplete the fields or not.
It should be noted that autocomplete attribute is on for form but off for the email field. It works with input, form, password, text, datepicker, color and also range. Lets see an example how to use autocomplete attibute in form and form elements.

<form autocomplete="on"  action="radhika.html" name="form">
  Name:<input type="text" name="firstname"><br>
  Surname: <input type="text" name="lastname"><br>
  E-mail Address: <input type="email" autocomplete="off" name="email_address"><br>
  <input type="submit" name="submit">

 novalid attribute:- It is used not to valid the input data. The syntax of novalidate attribute is given below:

<form name="form" action="rakesh.html" novalidate>
Username: <input type="text" name="name"/>

  • autofocus attribute:- It is also a boolean attribute. It is used to focus automatically when the page is loaded. The given syntax shows you how you can use this attribute.

            Better Name:  <input type="text" name="better" autofocus>

  • Form attrbute:- form attribute is used ot define one or more than one forms in the form tag.

           Email: <input type="email" name="email" form="second_form">

  • formaction:- formaction attribute overrides the action attribute of form when the form is submitted. 
  • formmethod attribute:- Like the formaction, it does same but it overrides the method of form. Its syntax is same like the formaction and it is used also same place.
  • formtarget:- Likewise the formmethod and formaction, it overrisdes the target of form. 
  • height an width:- This attribute is used to define the height and width of the type input.
  • list:- List attrbute is used to list out the elements of type input.
  • min and max:- min attribute is used to define minimum value of type input and max is used to define max value.
  • multiple:- This is used to define those input who has multiple value like email , image.
  • pattern:- pattern is used for validation of type of input.
  • placeholder:- placeholder is used for hint. 
  • required:- It is used to make the field necessary to fill out.

How to Stop the Visitor's Flow in Another Sites

May 27, 2014
Now internet has been a part of our life. So as blogging has been a best way of sharing the knowledge to each other. When you start blogging you seems very interested in blogging but after sometimes when you don't see the viewers on your blogs then you get to be disappointing and you completely stop blogging. This is all happens because often, seo specialist or consultants think that lots of content, keywords, description and title bring lots of visitors on their blogs and websites. But I say this kind of thinking is completely harmful for their sites.

keep visitors

Nowadays there are lots of search engines but more than 70% internet users use the google search engine. Google is most famous and reliable search engine among the internet users. It has been constantly changing its algorithms of searching optimization techniques. So if you think lots of content, keywords, descriptions and title is best way of optimization, it has been totally wrong.

You can see in the given quick and valuable points for the better of the flow of visitors on your sites and blogs. This points is only for getting more visitors on your sites and blogs.

  • First of all you should avoid all the distracting features like complex and more animated sliders and scrolling side bars and sliders. All this can irritate yor viewers.
  • Use short and sweet content and make all the content in paragraphwise. Just use bullets and numbers for the better understanding of your visitors.
  • Make anchor text to the valuable sites which can give more information.
  • You should get to the point quickly and manage your content.
  • Video embedding can be better because video reveals everything in a few times. It can shorten your complex information of the text information. 

HTML 5 Semantic Elements Meaning

May 27, 2014
html 5 semantic elements
HTML semantic elements are those elements that describe its meaning to the browser and designer and developer. Unlike the semantic elements non semantic elements does not define any meaning. We can take <div> and <span> as non semantic elements which give or describe nothing to browser and designer or developer.

So <table>, <form> and <img> can be taken as semantic because which clearly define its meaning why they are using and where they should be use. HTML 5 semantics are only supported by the new version of browsers like explorer 9+, safari, chrome etc. Actually html5 is induced to reduce the javascript from the document but it also reduces the unnecessary div.

Most of the existing sites still use <div> tag to create menu, footer, header but html 5 classes them as different tags. Here is the offers of html 5 new semantic elements that define a new different part of web document.

<header>,<nav>,<section>,<article>,<aside>,<figure>,<figcaption>,<footer>,<summary>,<details>,<time>,<mark> etc.

The given semantic elements clearly define its own meanings. header is for head section, nav is for navbar or menu, section is for particular section of document and then article is for the article of the page. Likewise all other elements have their different meaning.

In the above figure, you can see how we arrange html 5 semantic elements in designing. If it is not arrange in its real order, it can not function its real works. So think how it should be used and then apply it to your html document code.

JavaScript Language In HTML: Basic HTML

May 27, 2014
JavaScript Language
We will learn more about JavaScript in the next lesson, so here is you only can find the introduction of the javascript and how it is used in html document.

Javascript is client side scripting language which is one of the most important web designing langauge among the html, css and javascript. <script> tag is used to create a script in the html document. Basically javascript is used to manipulate the images, to validate the form and to change the content dynamically. JavaScript only work with HTML and CSS. The given below example can be the best for the basic of javascript.

Actually javascript is very easy language to learn. Nowadays, most of the designers use this language to develop webpages.

Javascript is very powerful language which can change HTML elements and it also can change the attributes of html and css elements. We will give all the examples that are needed for learning all the the html elements change, attributes change, css elements change.

var a="Excuse me";

document.write("Hello Dude!")

alert("Hi buddy");


If we use the <noscript> tag, When there is javascript disabled by the browser, the message written in the <noscript> tag will be shown by the browser. Lets see the given example how nosript tag is used and it works.

document.write("Excuse Me Buddy")
<noscript>Sorry, some problems occurred here.</noscript>
<p>Javascript doesnot work if the script is disabled in the browser.</p>

Indeed you should know that <script> and <noscript> both are reverse of each other. But <script> is mostly used by developer rather than <noscript>.

If you have any questions, please comment us. 
Thank you. 

What is Google Adwords

May 26, 2014
One of our visitor friend has asked us about the google adwords by commenting in our new page ask any questions page. So I am going to briefly tell about the adwords as much as I know.

Google Adwords

We know that google is one of the most popular company of the world. In the starting phase of the company, it is only search engine but now it has its products more than 40. Likewise, google adwords is one of the most famous product of google. Google Adwords is only for the online advertising channel of the products and places. Adwords program is the main source of income of google. Google offers the PPC program. In 2012 google's total advertising income were fourty two billion dollors. Google's PPC and CPC program offers many people to earn money too. Google distributes its PPC ad program all over the world.
Adwords offers every ads in related places and position or ads can be targetted into special places and position. Ads are only shown in related fields.
Google brought its site targeted advertising in 2003. Advertisers can place domain names, keywords, topic and google places the ads on where the advertisers want to place the ads by using adwords control panel.

So in general, you should know that adwords is one of the product of google which is used for online advertisement.

For more information, comment us.

What is HTML 5: Basic HTML

May 25, 2014
We have already learnt about the HTML. So here we are just going to discuss about the HTML 5
HTML 5 is the most new standard of HTML which induced being cooperation between the 2 company World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the WHATWFG (web hypertext application technology)
w3c and WHATWG both decided to create a new version of HTML, then they create HTML 5. In previous stage there were the version HTML, HTML 4, XHTML. After that HTML 5 was induced to replace the all of them oldies. Indeed. HTML 5 is very useful to the tablet, pc, smartphone etc. There are various advantages of HTML 5. Specially, it reduces the external plugins. It is also used for error handling. HTML 5 developement process is visible for public. New special features or characteristics of HTML 5 are:
  • <canvas> tag which is used for 2d drawing.
  • It is also supportable in local storage device.
  • There are various specific tags or elements. Such as <article>, <footer>, <header> etc which are completely new in HTML.
  •  Media elements are also very significant features of HTML 5
  • HTML 5 is started with the writing <!DOCTYPE html>. 

Yeh it is obvious that when a thing has advantages, it also has its various disadvantages. Thus there are also some disadvantages of HTML 5 ie it doesnot support in old browser. In short, HTML 5 is nothing, its same as the previous version of HTML but it has included and excluded some functions and features on it. So it is very powerfull language in web world.

Colors, Colorname and Color values In HTML: Basic HTML

May 25, 2014
Different colors are defined by different values in the web. Hexadecimal notation is used to define the values when values are defined by the hexa decimal code then that values define a color. We all know that there are 3 primary colors. They are Red, Green and Blue. The highest value of hex FFFFFF defines the white color and the lowest value 000000 defines the black color. Likewise all the colors are defined by different values. The hex values are defined by the 5 digits which start with a # sign.
different colors

Some color examples:
#000000 -> Black
#FF0000 -> Red
#0000FF -> Blue
#FFFF00 -> Yellow
#FF00FF -> Pink
#C0C0C0 -> Gray
#FFFFFF -> White

You can see some examples of color code in the above but you should also know that we can make 16 million differet colors using red, blue and green combination from the values 0 to 255. To say that most computers are only capable of displaying almost sixteen thousand three hundred and 4 colors.

You can also give the color by using different names of different colors. Some examples of color names are given below:-

AliceBlue   #F0F8FF
AntiqueWhite #FAEBD7
Beige         #F5F5DC
Black           #000000
Blue                 #0000FF
BlueViolet #8A2BE2
Brown         #A52A2A
Chocolate #D2691E
Coral        #FF7F50
Cyan        #00FFFF
Green        #008000
Gray       #808080
Indigo         #4B0082

div and span HTML Group Elements: Basic HTML

May 23, 2014
Basically, there are 2 html group tags in HTML elements. They are <div> and <span>. Div tag creates a section in a document with block level and as same the span tag creates section in html document in inline.
difference betweenn <div> and <span>

HTML Block Tags/ Elements:- Block Elements are those that occupied all the line that it is staying now. It means it normally starts or ends with new line when it is being displayed in any browser. Some examples are: <p>, <h1>, <table> <div> etc.

HTML Inline Tags/ Elements:- Inline tags displayed in the same line even starting a new tag. <img>, <a>, <span> etc tags are inline tags which don't break the line.

<div> Tag

So as HTML block element or tag, <div> is the block tag that is used to define section in html documents which groups all the elements of HTML. Simply it has no meaning but being a block tag it breaks a line before and after it. When it is being used with css, it has lots of attributes. Actually div tag replaces the old table tag for defining a document. Indeed table is used to show the data in tabular format.

<span> Tag

Span tag is same as the div tag which is used to create a section in html page but unlike the div tag, it is inline tag. <span> tag is mostly used for making text section.

Basic Singular Tags: Basic HTML

May 16, 2014
In previous post we learnt about the basic text formatting tags. Now this time we here discuss some other significant tags of html which are basics but very important in HTML. We have already known that basically there are 2 tags: Singular and Plural tags. So lets know about some singular tags. As we know, singular tags are those tags which does not have companion and ends with back slash. Some singular tags are:-
singular tags html

  1. Line Break Tag (<br/>): This tag is only used for breaking the line. It breaks the line, then the cursor goes to next line.
  2. Horizontal Line Tag (<hr/>): Horizontal Line Tag draws line in the page horizontally. This is also very important tag. Using this tag, you can make your site look beautiful. Some of the attributes of it are width, size, color etc. 
  3. Image Tag (<img/>): img tag is one of the most important tag. It is used to put the image in the web page. Almost in all of the web page, you can see this tag because without image your site does not look friendly, so most of the designers use this tag. There are some attributes of img tag, they are: src, width, height, border, alt, title, align, etc. 

How to Increase Visitors On your New Blog or Site

May 13, 2014
Many newer bloggers quit their blogging in blog because of just the reason of the low traffic in their site. Moreover that the old bloggers also do not find the traffic as they want. They do not get more visitors because they do not follow these simple tips. There is various ways that you should mention for increasing more traffic. The main recommendation for the increasing visitors is the using of facebook and twitter. Now here I am going to tell some tips for increasing genuine traffic on your site. This tips are for getting traffic to a new blog.
search engine optimization

1)  Link sharing in Facebook and Twitter:- 
Facebook is the most famous networking site that helps to doing internet market. Facebook has many functions and features. Joining in groups, making pages, creating pages and posting in their can be most benifit for your sites and blog.
Twitter is second most famous social media that also helps to increasing the visitors on your site. You can follow top bloggers and also follow their followers. Now once you did this, then you can tweet your articles.

2)  Comment in top blogs:- 
Commenting in other blog but do not make spam comment, it means do not spam their blogs by writing just single line comment.

3)  Write genuine and detailed articles:-
Content is great for the search engine optimization. You should write genuine content creating normally six hundred words.
For creating good content, spend more time. This is so important for all blogger to grab the attention of your visitors.

4)  Do SEO:-
Many people do not know about search engine optimization (SEO). But SEO is very important for good site and blog. You should just focus about the keywords, description, meta description etc.

Here I told some tips for increasing visitors to your site and also blog but do not think these are enough for your site there are some other offpage SEO techniques that you should consider properly.

Thank you all. 

Text Formatting Tags: Basic HTML

May 10, 2014
We already knew that in the previous tutorial tags are specific instruction which starts with '<' and end with '>'.  Here we are going to tell you about some of the text formatting tags.
text formatting tags for html

Text formatting tags:-

Text formatting tags are those tags which are used to format the text content of webpages.  It means text formatting tags are for formatting the text content of the web page. There are various text formatting tags. Some of the tags are we will discuss bellow:-

Preformatted tags:-
Preformatted tag is that tag which preformats the content written between the tag. When we write the content in between the tag, we can see the content as exactly what have written.
<pre> ........ </pre>

Bold tags:-
Bold tag is used to make specific text bold. When we want to highlight some text, we write bold tag.
There is two type of bold.
<b>......</b> or <strong>.......</strong>
Example:- <b> This is a example of bold tag. </b>
Basically there is no difference between <b> tag and <strong> but in the view of SEO <strong> tag is more preferrable than <b>.

Italic tag:-
This tag is actually used to italic the text or content. There is two italic tags.
<i>...............</i> and <em>.............</em>. Indeed there is no difference between these two tags but <em> (emphasize tag is more preferable for search engine optimization).
Example:- <i> This is a example of italic tag. </i>

Underline tag:-
For underlining the content or text, we use the underline tag. The syntax of underline tag is given below:
Example:- <u> This is a example of underline. </u>
Superscript and Subscript tags:-
Superscript tag is a kind of tag that is used to write some letter and number as superscript of a letter or text and subscript tag is used to write some letter or number as subscript of text or letter.
<sup>...........</sup> and <sub>....................</sub>
Example:- <sup> This is a example of superscript tag. x2 </sup>

Paragraph tag:-
Paragraph tag is mostly usable tag for web page designing. It is used to make paragraph in the webpage. The syntax of paragraph tag is given below:
Example:- <sub> This is a example of subscript tag log10 X.</sub>

Strike tag:-
strike tag is used to draw the line just middle of the text.
Example:- <strike> This is a example of strike tag </strike>

Heading tag:-
There is different 6 types of heading tags. They are <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5> and <h6>.
Often <h1> tag is used for the title of the web page. It makes the text larger than other 5 heading tags.
Example:- <h1> This is a example of heading tag.</h1>

How to Add Google Translate Gadget in Blogger

May 03, 2014
In the beginning, google started as a search engine but now it is getting popular by its various products. Not only it is in web world but also in technical world. But today I am not going to tell you about its biography. I am just trying to tell you one of its products: Google Translator which provides more than 70 languages sevice. I mean it can translate your content written in English into more than 70 language. Such as French, Russian, Hindi, Nepali etc.
Adding this widget/gadget helps your visitors about your blog or blog posts easily. Every people want to know what is written in this site and that site but it is not possible to write the same content in all the languages of the world. S this can be best widget for the all users or visitors.
The google translator plugin is provided by Google only. It can be add into any websites but when you want to put into your blogger blog, it is also more simple. You should just add the gadget that provides on add gadget section. Just follow these instruction for detail.

  1. Go to Blogger dashboard
    blogger dashboard
  2. Then click on Layout>>Add Gadget
    google gadget
  3. Choose Google Translate
  4. Now Save it.
Congratulation, you have done. 

How to Display Your Posts in Different Menus

May 01, 2014
Blogger has provided to display your post in different labels or categories but not provided directly to display posts in pages. Now we are going to learn the displaying posts in different menus techniques. It is too easy to do this. If you display your posts in different menus then it seems quite good because, visitors want to find easily what he want to find, so that when you make showing of posts in menu that can be awesome for the visitors. In blogger menus can be put horizontally and vertically too. When you put the page gadget just after the header gadget and blog posts gadget, then it is shown as horizontal and if you put the gadgets except just before and after the header gadget and blog posts gadget, then you can find it is shown as vertical.

Now just follow this tutorial step by step to display posts in different menus:
  • In the starting, go to your dashboard of blogger and then make a new post and give it a label name
    new post
    otherwise,if you have already many posts and also label, then just follow the below points.
  • Then copy the link of the labels as given picture because it is needed.
    copy link
  • Now just go to the layout and then click on add gadget and choose HTML/JAVASCRIPT.
    add gadget
  • After that find page gadet and click it. Now click on link page to add the name of menu.
    blogger gadgets
  • Now give the page title and paste the URL of label that we already created.
    label page
  • Then click on save link button.
You just added the one page in menu. To add more pages, just follow the above points again and again. It depends how many of pages you need.