Google Duo challenges Facebook Messenger !

August 28, 2016
Google Duo - Chatting Application
Google Duo
Google has recently launched its new video chatting app. i.e Google Duo. Its not much different than Facebook Messanger and Viber. In fact, its main aim seems to decrease the users of Facebook Messanger and Viber increasing the number of Google Duo users.

The main feature of this app is to pre-informed the receiver about the caller information i.e it informs receiver previously about the users who is calling him/her. So that, receiver can decide whether to pick the call or not.

Google claims that it is fast responsive and user friendly.

Save your codes hosted on Google Drive - It is deprecating soon

August 18, 2016
Hey everybody, did you know that Google is shutting down web hosting via google drive. By the way, we had got to host our static sites and some codes in google drive hosting. But recently, it has informed its users that they are deprecating it. So I just tell you to save all your codes which are only in google drive hosting in your own back up. Otherwise, it will be lost by August 18. By the way, Google is going to shutting down google drive web hosting from 31 august. 

Username availability checking in database using php with jquery ajax method

August 13, 2016
Username checker in jquery ajax
Jquery ajax database username checker 
Jquery ajax is the best way to check whether the username is available or not. Only using core ajax code is too long and difficult rather than ajax jquery. So use, jquery ajax method for ajax operation. Actually, ajax helps to get or retrieve and post the data from and into the database without reloading the pages.

Lets follow these core coding of jquery ajax which helps you to check the availability of username or any other data.

First of all you need different 3 codes:

  • Database table
  • Simple HTML Form with Jquery Ajax method
  • PHP coding "check_username.php"

Database Table

Create a table name users in database name test using like following codes:
id int(11) not null auto_increment
username varchar(255) UNIQUE KEY,
password varchar(255),

Simple HTML Form

<!doctype html>
<script src="<ADD JQUERY LIBRARY URL HERE>"></script>
<form method="post" name="form" action="check_username.php">
username<input type="text" name="username" id="username"/><br/>
<p id="res"></p>password<input type="password" name="password" id="password" />
<input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" name="submit"/>


          var uname = $(this).val();
                    dataType:'text' ,
                     data:{username:uname}, //key value pairing
                  $('#res').html('<div style="color:red">Needs more than 5 characters</div>');

check_username.php PHP file

//create database connection first
$dbConn = new mysqli("localhost","root","password","test");
//check whether the connection is ready or not
      die("Not connected with database, try again");
$username = $_POST['username'];
$sqlQuery = "SELECT USERNAME FROM users WHERE username = '$username' ";
$res = $dbConn->query($sqlQuery)
       echo "Username Already Taken";
       echo "Username Available. Register Now";

I hope, the above code will help you to understand basic about .ajax() method of jquery. This is very much easy way to check username availability in database using jquery ajax method and php. 

If you have any difficulties to understand the above code, feel free to ask me. I will do my best to help you. Keep coding, Thank you.

How to Highlight an Author Comment in Blogger

August 05, 2016
Highlight comment
Commenting is the best way of increasing relationship between you and visitors. If you are a blogger and you are getting more comments and visitors, they also may ask some questions by commenting to you and may be you are solving these difficulties of them but how to know that the question's answer solver is really that you. There might be positives and negatives comments, anyone can write comment by using admin as his/her name, so if he write negative being admin then what do you do? Then in that time there might be some problems. So to avoid this kind of problems, you should highlight your comment. I mean you should highlight the original admin' comments.  We already have highlighted by using verified twitter tick markwhich also can not be more effective for highlighting because it is small which cannot be seen easily.
Do you wish to highlight your blog comments? If you want then here are the tricks for it. You just follow the following process and then you will get the result. This code is very much suitable which works on the basic or default comment system of the blogger. This is a simple jquery code that will highlight your comments or author comments.

   How to Highlight Comment Of Author:-  

  • Just Log In into your blogger dashboard.
  • Then as usual go to template and click on edit html.
  • Now Press CTRL+F and find the </body>.
  • Copy the following code and just paste above the </body>
<!--author comment highlight-->
<script type="text/javascript">    $(function() {      function highlight(){        $(&#39;,.ssyby&#39;).closest(&#39;.comment-block&#39;)          .css(&#39;border&#39;, &#39;1px solid #e1e1e1&#39;)          .css(&#39;background&#39;,&#39;#f1f1f1 url(&quot;;) no-repeat bottom right&#39;)          .css(&#39;padding&#39;, &#39;10px&#39;);          }          $(document).bind(&#39;ready scroll click&#39;, highlight);                       });</script><a style="display:none" href=""> Widgets</a>
<!--author comment highlight-->
  • Now click on Save Template.
This is it, you have done successfully. 

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How to Find Most Searched Keywords

August 05, 2016
Search engines always prioritize to the keywords which are mostly search in the web search engines. Most popular search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, MSN etc gives more priority to the mostly searched keywords because in an hour and a day thousands and millions of people searched that kind of keywords like Barack Obama, Putin, China Economy and in a minute thousands of visitors reach a website. So that to show the right and best result to the viewers. Search Engines filter and rank a best blogs and site in the first position in a particular keywords.

Ranking a keywords can be affected by the rank of your website. If your website rank is less than 1 or it is 0 or N/A, your posts or article cannot be in a first rank even your article is best than other sites. So you should consider to get higher rank of your sites and blogs.

There are four ways to find the searched ratio of keywords:

  1. Using Google Trends
  2. Google Adwords
  3. Using Google Search Engine Suggestion
  4. Searching in the Forums
Using Google Trends to Find Highly Searched Keywords
Now lets go to find highly searched keywords in the blog in the recent time. If you want to find highly searched keywords in the google, then you can easily find through a google website. Here are the steps that you can apply while you are searching highly searched keywords. 
  1. In the first, go to the
  2. Choose a country to find the keywords which are highly searched from that country. 
  3. After choosing any of country like in the figure where I chose India and then there in the searched trends box just write any keywords or world to get the searched position, interests and related search of that keyword. In the given figure I chose India and then I tried to find the position and ratio of Keyword Bollywood which you can see in the following figures.