How to Put Facebook Like Button on Each Blogger Post

January 25, 2015
Facebook Like Button
Friends, we have already added the different Facebook like box like sidebar static Facebook Like Box, Facebook Pop Up Like Box and many other Facebook widget. But We had forgotten about Facebook like button, so here I am just giving a bunch of code to add the Facebook like button in the every blog posts of the blogger blog. But this do not work in the blogger page. This only works on the posts of blogger blog.

Because of the popularity of the Facebook, its every widget is valuable for every business work. So as Facebook Like button is very significant for a blogger article because, if we use Facebook like button, then readers can like that article which helps to increase the visitors on your article through Facebook.

Lets just move toward the steps that you should apply while adding facebook like button in every blogger posts:

Facebook Like Button On Every Blogger Post

Step 01: As usual login to your blogger account
Step 02: Now go to template>>edit html
Step 03: Then just find our below code just pressing ctrl+f
Step 04: Now copy the below code and just put the above code just above the above code
<br/><br/><iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='&quot;; + data:post.canonicalUrl + &quot;&amp;layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=100&amp;action=like&amp;font=arial&amp;colorscheme=light&quot;' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:105px; height:25px;'/>

Step 05: After that, you just press on save template.

Click here to watch Demo

Percentage Calculator Widget for Blogger and Website

January 10, 2015
percentage calculator
Percentage Calculator
Friends, this time I have come bringing a percentage calculator widget for you. This widget just calculate the percentage of any given number. This is just a simple html and javascript widget which is very easy to make it if you are familiar with basic html and javascipt. You should only put the base number and the real number, the which percentage is you would like to find out. Just copy the below code into your blogger and in order to do so, you just login into your blogger account and then go to the layout and click on add gadget. Now you choose html/javascript and paste the below code.

And if you want to show into your site, then just paste the css in between the <style>and </style> and javascript code in between the <script> and </script>

Javascript Percentage Calculator

input{ height:20px; border-radius:5px; margin-top:10px;}
a{font-size:8px;} </style>
function myfunction()
var a=document.f1.first.value;
var b=document.f1.second.value;
var percent=(a/b)*100;
<form name="f1" onsubmit="myfunction()">
<strong>Real Value:</strong><input type="number" name="first"/><br />
<strong>Base Value:</strong><input type="number" name="second" /><br />
<input type="submit" name="btn" style="background:#00F; color:#FFF;" value="Get" />
<a href="">Get Percentage Calculator Widget</a>  
Click Here for Demo

Real Value:
Base Value:
Get Percentage Calculator WidgetThank you and if you have any problem about blogger and blogging techniques, do not forget to comment in the comment box below.