How to add Latest Facebook Comment Box in Blogger

August 04, 2017
Facebook has provided many plugins for websites and blogs. Recently the developers of Facebook have released the plugins “Facebook Comment Box”. This is awesome plugin of the Facebook. Using this Facebook comment box your blogger and websites user or viewers can comment on your posts and those comments will be automatically shared in their Facebook Comment Wall.

Facebook comment box makes your visitors catch you easily, so this can be very important for those people who want directly interact with the admin and other visitors. I know there are various people who want to know the Facebook comment box on their blogger blog, Wordpress blog and many other site. So this tutorial can be the best solution for them. So now we will suggest you how to add simple comment box of Facebook in the blogger blog. You should that everything have its merits and demerits. Likewise, this Facebook comment box also its some advantages and some disadvantages.

First of all, here we are discuss about the advantages of the Facebook comment box.
We all know that Facebook is the most popular social media of the world. They always introduce new features to serve the people and to catch the visitors more on the Facebook. So Facebook comment box is one of their popular feature.
when some people like and reply to their comment. notification is appeared to the user. And it also provides multiple commenting features.

The main disadvantage of Facebook comment box in blogger is that Google spider never crawl Facebook comment, so these comment can not be useful in the view of optimization.

Read also: Facebook post share button in blogger posts

You just find here two methods to put this comment box in your blogger blog. Both are very useful but in some of older blog's templates Method 1 might not work. So I recommend you to use the methods which works in your blog.
This are one of the most using techniques to making more visitors on your blogs and sites.

New app id

It is the beginning thing that you should do which you can do easily by Facebook developer. First of all you should login into your Facebook then click on Facebook developers. After that click on Create New App
and their appears a pop of form. Fill that form. Then fill that Captcha. Then copy the app id into your notepad, this is needed in further steps.
facebook apps

Step 2: Now lets install the Facebook comment in blogger blog

It is necessary to login into your Facebook dashboard. Then go to template tab and click on edit html. After that find the following code.
<html......> This code is in the first row of every blogger, so you can find it easily.

Then, just paste the following xmlns:og='' code just after the highlighted code which is shown in above. When you add this code the html structure is look like
<html xmlns:og='' ...... xmlns:expr=''>
Now find the <body> tag and paste the given code just after that <body>

<div id='fb-root'/> 
    window.fbAsyncInit = function() { 
      appId  : &#39;AppId&#39;, 
      status : true, // check login status 
        cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the   session 
      xfbml  : true  // parse XFBML 
    (function() { 
    var e = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;); 
      e.src = document.location.protocol +   &#39;//;; 
    e.async = true; 

The one thing is that you just replace or add your AppId below AppId.  You put your blog name in All Blog Solution  and your facebook page url in
Now there is needed to add meta tags. Just find the </head> and paste the following code replacing your app id
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle' property='og:title'/> 
<meta expr:content='data:blog.url' property='og:url'/> 
<meta content='AppId ' property='fb:app_id'/> 
<meta content='rakepoint' property='og:site_name'/> 
<meta content='' property='fb:admins'/> 
<meta content='article' property='og:type'/>
Step 3: Comment box in blogger blog.

At last you should put comment box structure in the blog.
Go and just find this code <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> and paste the following code just below the above code or anywhere you want to show the Facebook comment box.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
  <div style='padding:2px 3px 2px 3px; margin:2px 3px 2px 3px;'><script src=''/>
      <fb:comments  colorscheme='light' expr:href='data:post.url' expr:title='data:post.title' expr:xid='' width='100%'/>
<div style="position:fixed; bottom:0px; left:0px; color:#898989; font-size:12px;"><a href="">Get Widget</a></div> 

Now you have successfully add your Facebook comment box.

Note: Replace rakepoint by your facebook url. If you want to change the width of comment, simply change the width. Thanks you did.

Watch and follow the below video

How To Generate 1000 Blog Visitors Per Day

July 30, 2017
Whatever your underlying blogging is, I'm sure you do not want what you pour on the blog to be useless because nobody reads the article you wrote. You certainly hope that what you share in the blog article column can be read by many people, and the presence of visitors will also motivate you to be more active in writing.

As I have often mentioned in a number of articles, building a blog takes time. That is, to be able to bring organic visitors will take time. If your blog is still relatively new, what you currently fit on the blog, not necessarily it will be found by readers through search engines because the ranking of your blog page in SERPs is still diurutan below or even not in the index by search engines.

To boost the position of the blog page in the SERPs to quickly improve, then do the optimization efforts. Blog optimization refers to a good ranking ranking in search engines known as SEO or Search Engine Optimization . Implementing SEO or search engine optimization is an effort to speed up and strengthen your blog page position in the top search engine results.
Read the following article:
With regard to search engine optimization, there are certain limitations in the process of applying it. Search engine optimization should not be excessive because it will lead to over-optimization. Sites or blogs that are considered to be over optimization by search engine algorithms will be downgraded until deindexed. This is because over optimization is a forbidden optimization practice that violates Webmaster Policies as described in the Google Webmaster Guidelines page.
Blog optimization should be done naturally, adjusting to the age of the domain, and not characterizing spam practices. To combat spammers, Google continues to develop its search engine algorithms, and is updated regularly. Google's search engine algorithms progressively perform well over time, indicated by the number of weblogs that enter the Sandbox and are subject to Google Penalty.
Tips on building blog traffic I have actually shared through a number of posts, including how to blog a lot of visitors , how to increase blog traffic with How to articles , analyze the causes of deserted blog visitors , and measure blog traffic based on keywords . And to complete the discussion how to bring blog traffic in previous articles, the following tips to bring 1000 blog visitors per day.


Before you decide on a domain name, the first thing you should prepare is the keyword. Keywords are the most important capital that will be a determinant of how the volume of your blog traffic in the future. How to reset keywords to get the right keywords I have discussed in the article how to reset keywords to build profitable blog .
After getting the keyword, I assume you have chosen the domain name and blog is finished you create. The next step is to focus on writing quality articles that represent titile blog, blog description, and keyword blog. But before you post your first article, make sure the template you use meets the SEO criteria because the template is very influential on the implementation of on-page SEO.
Features of SEO friendly templates, among them are:
  • Light (fast loads)
  • Have a good page structure
  • Does not load duplicate script


Foundation blog is an article, then make sure you only post quality articles. Quality articles are descriptive articles, representing blog titles, blog descriptions, keyword blogs, solid, do not contain excessive keyword density, and of course provide solutions for readers.
Writing quality articles can sometimes be a tough job, so choose a blog theme based on your interests, because writing according to your interests will make you more inspirational in writing and make you more productive.


If your blog already contains several articles, eg 10 articles, then came the time to build backlinks. To be able to compete in the SERPs required backlinks as links that provide references. Aside from being a reference, backlinks are also a voter. The more votes (backlink), then theoretically well the reputation of your blog in front of search engine algorithms.
The diversity of ways to build backlinks is not likely to lead a blogger to incorrect link bulding practices. Make sure you choose the best way of link building. How to build a proper backlink is to build backlinks naturally. The right way of link building I've discussed in the article how to easily get backlinks for new blogs, and how to link building to get quality backlinks.


Regardless of whether or not it is true, my one of the indicators used by Google's search engine algorithm in the blog page ranking process is to refer to social media signals. That is, if your blog gets a lot of hits from one or several social media sites, then it will have a good impact on the ranking of your blog in Google search engine search results index.
Create an account on social media sites, such as Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, or Google Plus. Automatically Submit articles to social media sites using web applications. To post articles automatically to Facebook, you can use the Graffiti RSS app. In addition to getting backlinks, this activity also opens the opportunity to get traffic from Facebook.


If anyone thinks that posting a scheduled article is not important. I disagree with the opinion, because based on my observations blogs are updated regularly the stability of traffic is much better.
Post articles on an unscheduled schedule to tell the search engine spiders that there is activity (adding articles) on your blog. If your blog is still minimal content, post an article at least one article per day, but it depends on the coverage of the theme or theme of your blog.


You can use Google Analytics to monitor your blog stats. Log into your Google Analytics page, register your blog, install the tracking code from Google Analytics to your blog.
By using Google Analytics as a blog stats monitoring tool, you can not only know how many visitors your blog is. You'll also know other important statistics, such as traffic sources, keyword hits, visitor geography, visit duration, etc.


Analyze your blog to make sure there are no significant problems with your blog. Check the health of your blog, whether there are broken links or other fatal mistakes that can lower your blog ranking in SERPs.
Blog statistics data in Google Analytics can also be made to make certain changes when it is necessary.
Finally, bring visitors to the blog can not be done instantly considering blog optimization requires a long process and time. Search engines will not display your blog articles page on top results if your blog is still relatively new because the age of the domain (blog) is one of the calculation of search engine algorithm itself.

Strategy How to Optimize Blog Stage III

July 28, 2017
The strategy of blog optimization step I and phase II review a number of basic steps to optimize a blog. Strategy of blog optimization step III is a summary of how to optimize blog phase I and phase II. Strategy of blog optimization step III ni in the form of improvement efforts from the second stage of empowerment of the previous optimization.

In line with the application of the third stage opatimasi techniques your blog should have started getting traffic from search engines. Traffic volume is not yet at the maximum, but normally there should be an increase in continuous traffic to some extent.
Before reviewing the third stage optimization strategy, it should be emphasized that the maximum number of visitors your blog can rely on a number of factors, including whether or not the application of the optimization techniques you applied in Phase I and Phase III.
For a new blog, the high-low traffic depends on keyword competition and content density. If you choose low competition keywords and monthly keyword search results are quite high, then most likely your new blog quickly get high traffic in a relatively short period of time.
The potential for high traffic remains open even if you choose keywords with low monthly search results, with notes that you have posted many articles. Suppose 30-40 articles or even more. In this case of course the article that you publish is not a trending article, such as news, gossip, etc.
For the process of improving the strategy of blog optimization step I and phase II, here are some further optimization steps you can take to improve the optimization quantity:

Maintain update frequency

As your blog traffic begins to show improvement, do not let your blog fakum without an article update in a relatively long period of time. Keep your post regularly, at least 1x a week.

Maximize your blog's popularity on social networking sites

SEO strategy in the present is not separated from the role of social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.. Build a community / network on social networking sites as a means to socialize blog articles and increase your blog's popularity.

Evaluate your blog

Usually in the process of blog optimization which in this case is done through the phases by phases there are certain errors beyond our awareness, such as keyword density, link error, duplicate title, etc. Perform an evaluation to ensure that things do not happen that can reduce the quantity of SEO your blog.

Create redirect link error

Link error is not always due to your mistake as the owner and manager of the blog. An error link can also occur when a visitor typed in a URL. To get around this make a redirect link error so as not to affect the reputation of your blog in front of search engines.

Improve your interaction with readers

Improve your interaction with visitors. Encourage visitors to leave comments with quality articles, reply to their comments, post articles that provide solutions to visitors, etc. If the articles you write are considered interesting and useful, of course they will not mind to share the article.

Do link building naturally and consistently

Continue to multiply your blog backlink by doing link building naturally and consistently. Get backlinks from weblogs that have high pagerank to improve and maintain consistency of your blog ranking in SERPs.

Avoid changing niche / blog theme

Consistency of a niche or theme is very important. Changing the theme of your blog at the time the blog is getting a good ranking and the number of articles is also quite a lot will complicate the future of the blog, even this opens the opportunity to be penalized (penalty) from search engines. Keep the original niche of your blog to keep blog rankings and traffic consistent.

Strategy How to Optimize Blog Stage I

July 28, 2017
In order for your blog can be known by search engines and can get a lot of visitors, then you must do the optimization. The first optimization is known as on-page optimization, and the second type of optimization is called off-page optimization.
On-page optimization is an activity to boost the position of your blog in SERPs that are done within the scope of the blog itself. Some blogging activities that characterize on-page optimization include using SEO friendly templates, selecting blog titles relevant to blog content, installing meta descriptions and meta keywords, etc.
Off-page optimization in the form of blog optimization activities conducted outside the scope of the blog. Both on-page and off-page optimization both have an important role. On-page optimization can produce maximum results if off-page optimization is also done optimally. To be able to increase blog traffic significantly both of these optimization models are closely related to each other.
Blog optimization for off-page types is relatively time-consuming, especially for newly created blogs, both for blogs built using Blogger , WordPress , Drupal or other blog platforms. In this phase you are required to be more active in order to present your blog to search engines.
Off-page optimization is identical to link building (build backlinks). Forms of off-page optimization is quite diverse, but this type of optimization is not separated from link building activities. Backlink serves as a voter to help your blog appear on top of the search engines so that without armed with enough backlinks your blog will be difficult to compete with other blogs, except keywords that you shoot in the form of keyword low competition (low competition).
Although in recent months Google often gives an idea that blog or website optimization is no longer dependent on the quantity of backlinks, in fact the backlink is still one of the hundreds of most important support elements in the optimization process, with the backlink record is built with the following conditions:

  1. Backlinks are obtained from reputable weblogs (not spam weblogs).
  2. Backlink obtained from blogs that have relevance niche/theme with your blog.
  3. Backlinks are one way backlinks (not link exchange).
Link building is right, at least must meet the above three criteria. In doing link building, which should be your priority is quality, and not quantity.
The right blog optimization strategy is very important to get maximum results. In fact, the concept of blog optimization is actually you have to prepare long before the blog you create so that the optimization process can be applied more effectively and structured. The forms of optimization techniques you apply will also determine the maximum possible outcome, and in this case I want to emphasize to you not to use aberrant optimization techniques, such as spamming, manipulative, and other types of blackhat optimizations.
Here are the blog optimization steps for newly created blogs. You are not encouraged to continue reading if your blog is old enough.
  • Choose a blog title that contains keywords (keywords).
  • Enter the keyword in the first line of the description meta.
  • Create a meta description that contains phrases from the main keyword.
  • Make meta keywords relevant to the title and meta deskrispi.
  • Use a lightweight template.
  • Submit your blog to search engines (Google Webmaster, Bing Webmaster, etc.).
  • Submit your blog sitemap to search engines.
  • Connect your blog with social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, etc.).
  • Make a pillar article (10-15 articles).
  • Submit articles on your blog to social bookmarking sites (choose social bookmarking dofollow, min PR 3).
The selection of blog titles actually does not have to contain keywords, but this can make it easier for search engines to classify your blog content, especially if the title and blog content is relevant enough.
Entering the keyword in the first line of meta description aims to give emphasis to the main keyword of the niche that you shoot, of course the keyword must be relevant to the blog content as a whole.
Maximize meta description functionality by doing phrases. If you do keyword phrases very well in the future your blog is potentially enough to occupy top 5 Google Search. This is because each keyword gives emphasis to the main keyword and content.
Make meta keywords relevant to the title and meta deskrispi. Correct meta keywords can support off-page optimization activities that you do with relevant variations of link anchors.
Templates give a big hand with regard to your optimizations. Do not just attach importance to dynamic viewing, use a lightweight template. As recommended by matt cutts (head of Google's spam prevention team), website optimization can not be separated from loading the website.
Although search engines can track your blog's presence, it does not mean you have to be quiet and wait for them to come. So that search engines can find your blog faster, please go to the search engine.
In order for the future search engines can get to know your blog better, make sure after you verify your registration also sends sitemap (site map) in the search engines concerned.
The popularity of your blog on social networking sites can help your blog ranking in search engine results. This discourse is one of a number of changes to search engine algorithms, especially Google. Connect your blog with your social networking account to get backlinks and direct traffic from these social networking sites.
Make pillar articles to boost and maintain blog traffic stability. The pillar article is an article that demands special treatment (more optimization). In the process of blogging, usually not all articles get the same visit, therefore you need a pillar article to avoid the possibility of loss of visitors in sufficient quantities.
The new blog is certainly still a poor backlink as well as popularity. After you post the article, please submit the article to social bookmarking sites to get backlinks and direct traffic. Try to choose social bookmarking site dofollow and have a high Google Pagerank.

Strategy How to Optimize Blog Stage II

July 28, 2017
This article is an advanced article, how to optimize blog phase I. In the article of blog optimization strategy stage I have described a number of fundamental steps to start optimizing blogs that begins by introducing blogs to search engines, choosing SEO friendly templates, paying attention to how to write articles according to on-page SEO standards , etc.
Blog optimization is an ongoing activity. Although in a certain period of time you've done various kinds of optimization efforts, does not mean in the next time you no longer need to do optimization. Optimization should still be done according to the needs of blogs to stay besaing with other blogs of course owners also do the same thing.
Technique optimization techniques appropriate in the application is the optimization is done consistently, and on the other hand is not excessive or often known as over-optimization. Of course need to be scheduling and keep attention to certain limits to optimization routine that you do does not result in your blog categorized as a blog that over optimization.
Doing an optimization related to the intent to bring visitors to your blog through search engines is a must. As I have often mentioned in some related articles before, bahwasannya stock article alone is still not enough to be able to increase blog traffic. In addition to relying on articles, at the same time you also have to optimize your blog page, both home page and post page. Given a set of optimization activities that you do, the articles you publish have the potential to be included in the list of top Google Search results and lead to increased traffic on your blog.
The first step blog optimization strategy gives more emphasis to the blog recognition process on the search engine by verifying the registration, submitting the site map, and so on. Then, after the blog is well known by search engines, then we need to do a series of subsequent optimization efforts to open opportunities in the next 1-2 months can get into the top search results search engine results. Step II optimization steps include:

Create a blog Feed

Creating real simple syndication or RSS Feed aims to facilitate the readers of your blog to subscribe to the article. By being a subscriber of your blog's RSS Feed, they will get notifications automatically if you post new articles. To create a blog feed, please use feedburner. Open the following link

Submit your blog to the directory site

Look for list of reputable directory sites. There are a lot of free directory sites that you can use, but you should focus on the directory sites that have high pagerank, such as DMOZ.

Starting exist in the forum

Create an account in an online forum, then start active in a room whose topic is relevant to the content of your blog. In addition to getting backlinks, you will also get direct traffic from the forum. Some local online forums that you can use include KasKus, Kompas, Viva, and Seconds.

Introduce yourself with other bloggers

If you have free time, there is no harm in blogwalking. Leave relevant comments on the blog. If your comments are memorable, of course the concerned will not mind to visit your blog, and on the other hand your socialization fruitful results.

Expand the article

Try to increase productivity. This is not solely to increase the number of articles, but also aims to boost your blog position in SERPs, because Google provides search results not only based on search relavansi, on the other hand Google is also considering the level of content density on the blog.

Find creative writing ideas

You can write about anything, but basically a blogger it must be creative if you want to succeed. Find unique topics to increase the volume of your blog traffic to the fullest.

Put widget article subscriptions in a strategic position

Return visitors or visitors remain very good impact for the continuity of your blog in front of search engines associated with rivalry in the SERPs. Put subscriber widgets / article subscriptions in a strategic position to maximize the number of subscriber RSS Feed of your blog.

Do not spam

Spam is an illegal activity you should avoid under any circumstances, especially if you are blogging using Blogger's platform . The Blogger team can remove your blog at any time when you're found to be spamming.

8 Factors For Google First Level 2017

July 24, 2017

What makes Google's first place?

It's no secret that Google's rank consists of over 200 factors or components. And while the list of factors is very impressive or even can be the most frightening thing.

Luckily for SEO is not about getting the right little thing, it's about getting your site's priorities right. For this reason we set out 8 factors for Google's first rank based on industry studies by SearchMetrics, Backlinko and SEO PowerSuite. Please you can review and find ways to optimize your site.


By 2017, backlinks continue to be a strong indication of Google's authority. Let's see things that can improve or even this will destroy your site.

1. Link Score

How does Google change the abstract concept of "backlink" to one of the ranking factors? In some ways, Google explains that this is done by calculating "Link Score." The score is created by each individual quality quality incoming link (aka PageRank) and the number of links to the site.

So the quantity of links is an important part of the score. However, remember that you can not have spammy and low-quality links by 2017. It should also be noted that links coming from the same domain will be of little value. Google usually only counts one of them when evaluating your link profile. So in terms of quantity, the main factor you should focus on is the number of domains that link.

While we know that PageRank is still one of the key factors in Google's algorithm, its public version is no longer available. Fortunately, there are reliable alternatives based on the original PageRank formula, including InLink Rank recently launched by SEO PowerSuite.

2. Anchor text relevance (but not too much)

Anchor text is another part of the concept of "backlinks" that are important to increase the ranking on your site. Just like the content on your page, that the function of this backlink will tell Google about your page - and how it ranks. Of course, you should remember about Penguins and keep your website or site diverse and natural. This is all about how everything looks balanced and precise.

But how to balance the right way? Of course this is not the right answer. But here is an anchor text illustration that can be your clue for proper and balanced use and avoid Google penguins.
How to optimize it:

Checking your SEO competitor's links is a good way to understand what kind of link value you oppose in optimization, it will also determine how much work is needed to catch up on your website. To do this you need a tool that allows you to compare multiple sitelink profiles with many criteria. SpyGlass SEO with its domain comparison module is very precise and good. Run this tool and create a project for your site, then proceed to Domain Comparison and add your main competitor domains, one at a time. Like the following example you will see how each aspect of your link profile compares to your competitors.


Content is king. But what does Google search for in quality content? Here are the 3 points your content points in the eyes of Google.

1. Use of keywords

The title / title on your website remains the strongest relevance factor with Google. Using keywords or variations in title tags is still important in 2017. Meta descriptions can also increase relevance, even if the weight is less. And make sure you do not forget to use keywords in the body of the page, given the H1 tag holds a good weight for SEO of all titles.

2. The length

In its search quality guidelines, Google mentions that the amount of page content is important for its overall quality - and therefore that will rank. Obviously, there is no length of ideal content to be sought; As Google says, "the amount of content needed for a page to be satisfactory depends on the topic and purpose of the page."

For a realistic reference of "satisfactory amount of content", see the pages that are already compatible with your keywords, and learn from their strategies.

3. Comprehensive

RankBrain (launched in October 2015) is part of Google's Hummingbird algorithm and, according to Google, is involved in every query. One of the RankBrain functions is to analyze the results with good user satisfaction metrics and identify their common features - features that make them get good search results.

Since most of the online content is text, such features are often certain terms and phrases used on the page. Think about it: if you are looking for "things to see in new york," it is logical that the comprehensive results will mention "times square." "Central park," "empire state building and so on.

But that's not always clear. Did you know all of the top 10 results for "the most famous thing in new york" many say "cream cheese"?

How to optimize it:

WebSite Auditor is a tool that lets you check pages with many on-page factors, including keyword usage and content length. The tool will also analyze the completeness of your page using the TF-IDF algorithm and make recommendations based on your main competitor.

To get started, run WebSite Auditor, create a project, and go to Content Analysis. Specify the page you're optimizing and enter your targeted keywords. Look through the on-page factors for statistics and keyword use recommendations, and check the Competitors tab to see how your main competitors are handling the given page elements.

Next, look at the Word count in the body and check how it compares to competitors.

Finally, switch to the TF-IDF dashboard for a list of keywords used by many of your competitors (remember RankBrain?) And specific usage suggestions for your content. Use these insights as inspiration to make your pages more relevant and comprehensive.

Now, it's time to make changes to your page. Jump to Content Editor and optimize it all! Once done, hit the save button in the top right corner to download optimized HTML to your hard drive ready to upload to your site.

Technical SEO

The technical platform of your site is very important for SEO (and also outside). Here are the top two factors that are important for your site's ranking.

1. Speed ​​page

Google estimates the page will load in two seconds or less from that time, and they officially ensure that speed is one of the important factors for ranking. Speed ​​also has a big impact on UX: slower pages have higher bounce rates and lower conversion rates.

The most common causes for low speed are some uncompressed elements like there are scripts, images and CSS files.

2. Mobile Friendly

If your page is not optimized for smartphones, it will not fit in mobile search at all. This is unfortunate because more than half of Google's quota is coming from a mobile device, so you should not delay it again in 2017.

Focus on mobile is likely to continue soon with Google's commitment to switch to first indexing on mobile.

How to optimize it:

To check whether your website passes Google's mobile and mobile testing, go to Content Analysis> Pages Audit in WebSite Auditor and switch to Technical factors. Check the Usability (Mobile) and Page speed (Desktop) sections, and click on any factor with Error or Warning status for details and suggestions on how to fix.

User Experience

The debate surrounding the use of behavioral factors in rank has been going on for years. However, according to Google's own words, "searching users are often the best relevant judges, so if they choose certain search results, they are likely to be relevant, or at least more relevant than the alternatives presented."

1. Click-through rate

Click through rate (CTR is the ratio of the number of times a search listing is clicked in accordance with the amount of time displayed to the searcher.The SearchMetrics study even found that CTR has the highest correlation with the rank of all the factors studied.

True, correlation is not the same as cause-effect. But it's hard to argue with real-life experiments that show that an increased CTR will soon result in a rating upgrade.

How to optimize it:

The first thing to check is your current CTR SERP. In Google Search Console, open the Search Analytics report and select Clicks, Impressions, CTR and Positions.

While the average CTR varies depending on the type of query, As a rule of thumb for CTR 30% for result # 1, then for 15% for # 2, and 10% for # 3.

If some of your CTR lists are really below this average, you need to refocus something. Think about how you can create a decent click snippet and you can see a list of competitors for inspiration. To edit and preview your Google snippet, go to WebSite Auditor, go to Content Analysis> Content Editor, and switch to Title & Meta tags. Once you create a snippet with it, press the save button to download the HTML file to your hard drive.


SEO is a complex, multidimensional, and ever-expanding science. It's natural if you can not afford to focus on every detail, and you also do not have to do that. If you prioritize your efforts, focus on the above eight factors, and remember to always look closely at competitors, and your business will surely get out of them in the SERPs.

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3 Prediction Of The Future SEO

July 23, 2017
SEO is an ever-changing and growing industry. No longer search engine optimization is seen as a "black magic" internet but is now considered an essential part of a serious digital marketing strategy. Last year, it was estimated that businesses invested more than $ 65 billion for SEO services, and the number is projected to increase to over $ 70 billion by 2018.

The hardest thing in the search world is predicting what will happen next. As the main engine keeps updating and improving their SERP's algorithm and look, we on the field should not just wait to react. Where we believe we should be proactive and see past trends to help guide us.

In this following we make 3 predictions about the future of the SEO industry.

1. UX Will Play a Bigger Role

In the past, SEO was seen as the work of the IT team. It is viewed more as a technical role than a creative position. While SEO has many technical elements to it, at its core this is an art form. Today's SEO professionals not only need to have a technical understanding of how to optimize websites and different content types for search engines, they also need to understand how people interact with the web.

Google is obsessed with visitors and you should do just that. As search results become more and more customized, the visitor experience (UX) will play a larger role in search. If your content does not involve your visitors, you will lose, no matter how big your information.

For a better position on your site now, I'll invest the time to study your visitors inside and outside. Then, I will create content that not only helps them, but also involves them. You can do this by using a free analytics tool that tracks and learns what your visitors are doing.

If you're not currently tracking your online marketing efforts, you're not alone. But that's still not a good reason. Did you know that:

  • 45% marketing still has not formally evaluated their analysis for quality and accuracy (or even worse, not knowing if they did it or not).
  • Less than 30% of small businesses use website analysis, call tracking or voucher codes; 18% of small businesses claim not to track anything at all.

Just because other people do not take this serious does not mean you should not do it. Tools like Google Analytics and Search Console, which are all about 100% free tools, have enough information to get you started. Find out what content works and why, then make more of it. Think about what your users want when they interact with your brand online, and create a unique experience for them.

2. AMP Will Be a Ranking Factor

We now live in a divided world. Traditionally, Google operates from one document index when it pulls a search query. Currently, the process of creating two indexes, one for mobile and one for desktop, with mobile being the main index.

As we enter the first mobile world, the way we search, interact, and purchase have changed. Mobile has become our dominant device, and Google will not wait. A recent report from Hitwise (registration required) argues that in the US, mobile searches are approximately 58 percent of the overall search query.

But visitors do not just want something that looks good on mobile devices - they also want speed. In fact, Google's own research shows that 53% of people will leave sites that fail to load in three seconds or less. This is one of the big reasons Google and others have pushed the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project.

As far as we know today, AMP is not a ranking signal, but that does not mean it does not impact your search performance or your website. AMP content is featured prominently in mobile search results, often above organic listings. Do not you want your content to show up there? Additionally, if a visitor ignores sites that load slowly on a mobile device, it makes sense to prioritize the speed of a mobile page, even if you already have the top organic spots or top SEO rankings.

Furthermore, if you wait for an official announcement verification before you apply AMP, you will be too far behind to take advantage of it as it happens. So start building an AMP page for your content now!

3. AI Will Do a Search

When Google announced RankBrain last year, the search world lost its head. Today, we still do not know much about RankBrain, but it's among the top three Google rating factors. Personally, I think AI is a great thing for search. Over time, as machines learn patterns and understand content, the results will be more accurate. Another benefit to AI is that it will kill black-hat SEO, which I think is great for the industry as a whole.

While if we think RankBrain (or some other new AI technology) will eventually run a 100% search, and surely we all still feel away from that criteria. So first, we can start doing a better job of creating content that is an informative and interesting visitor. Then we can take the time to do the little things properly, like on-page SEO. And finally, we can start thinking of searching on an individual level. AI will look more personal than ever, and this will force us all in the field of digital marketing to think of segments in new ways.

We believe these three predictions will come true, and they are also important today. I hope you take the time to reflect on where you are, what you do and what new things need to be added to your search strategy to see better results today.

Amit Singhal, Indians Behind the Sophistication of Google Search Engine

July 20, 2017
Google is the most widely used search engine in the world. The main reason people use it is because Google provides relevant and fast search results. This relevance and speed is generated by Google's Google-made algorithm Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Over time, the algorithm is updated or enhanced to improve the quality of Google search results. What is surprising is that the sophistication of the algorithm is made by an Indian-led team. He is Amit Singhal.

Amit Singhal (full name of Amitabh Kumar Singhal) was born in 1968 in Jhansi, a city in Uttar Pradesh, India. Little Amit likes Star Trek movies. From that penchant, he has the dream of making robots that can speak to humans.

Amit Singhal earned a bachelor's degree in computer science from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee in 1989. Amit then went on to study at the University of Minnesota Duluth, USA and earned a M.Sc in computer science in 1991. He then went to college S-3 at Cornell University, New York, USA.

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At Cornell University, Amit Singhal experiences information retrieval, a branch of computer science that is the foundation of a modern search engine. Here Amit is guided by Prof. Gerard Salton who is a pioneer of information retrieval and staying digadang as the Father of Digital Search.

After earning his Ph.D. In 1996, Amit Singhal worked as a researcher at AT & T Labs. The field of research is information retrieval and speech retrieval. In 2000, Amit joins Google for his small friend's persuasion, Krishna Bharat (creator of Google News, a service that automatically indexes over 25,000 news sites in over 25 languages).

At Google, Amit Singhal is Head of the Search Quality Team. He said to Sergey Brin: "Your search engine is very good, but let me rewrite the algorithm."

In 2001 Amith Singhal rewrote Google's algorithm so the algorithm has a new ranking system and is able to distinguish Apple (software) and apple (fruit). For his achievement, Amith was awarded the Google Fellow, an honors degree awarded to a handful of the most successful Google engineers.

Not necessarily stop there, Amit and his team add new features in the Google algorithm to ensure that Google search results are relevant and qualified. Two very famous features are Panda and Penguin. Panda Algorithm is a filter to lower the ranking of sites / blogs whose content quality is low (eg blogs containing content automatically / AGC, spin results, bad grammar, etc.). The Penguin algorithm is a filter to downgrade sites / blogs that violate Google's Quality Guidelines such as paid backlinks and spam comments.

Amith Singhal rewrote Google's algorithm in 2013. This new algorithm called Hummingbird is capable of displaying complex query searches. Currently, Amit is streamlining Google's algorithm so as to provide search results from voice-based queries.

For Amith, it seems Google is the right place to realize the dream of his childhood to make a robot. Not a robot made of iron and steel, but a virtual robot created from the algorithm.

On-Page SEO: 10 Factors You Must Pay Attention

July 20, 2017
Should you pay attention to search engine optimization (SEO) in developing your blog? Can yes, or not, depending on the type of blog. In developing Blogodolar, I do not pay attention to SEO, both on-page SEO and off-page SEO (link building). However, not so when I develop an English niche blog.Based on my experience of optimizing the English niche blogs with the results of page 1, there are ten on-page SEO factors that you should pay attention to.

1. Keywords on the title

The first and most important factor of on-page SEO is placing the targeted keywords in the title. This keyword gives an overview to the search engine about the content of the blog or posting. According to Moz, the title length is 55 characters (words and spaces).

The keywords placed in the post title will automatically exist in the title of the post. However, this is not the case with keywords for blog titles. If you use WordPress, you can place keywords in the blog title by using the All in One SEO Pack or Yoast's WordPress SEO plugin.

Where should the keywords be placed in the title? If possible, place keywords at the beginning of your title to be easily recognized by potential visitors and search engines. If placing the keyword at the beginning of the title is not possible, for example, making the title ambiguous, put the keyword in the center of the title naturally.

2. Keyword density

The next factor of on-page SEO is keyword density. What keyword density means is the percentage of keywords that appear to the number of words. In order not to indicate the spread of keyword overload (keywod stuffing), you should make keyword density between 1% to 5%.

For example, you are targeting a job application letter. The keyword appears five times in the 500 word post you created. Thus, the density of the application letter on the post is 1% alias 5 divided by 500.

3. Keywords in the first and last paragraphs

In addition to the title, the targeted keyword should be placed also in the first paragraph and the last paragraph. In my opinion, this placement provides an overview of the beginning and end of the topic of discussion to search engines.

4. Number of words

In doing on-page SEO, you should also pay attention to the number of words. According to some studies, the number of words has an important impact on the position in search engine results.

The trick, if you shoot a keyword high competition, you should make a post with a minimum length of 1,500 words. Viewed from the human and search engine side, the number of words is enough to give a thorough explanation of the keywords or topics covered. In other words, your post is rich in meaning or benefits.

5. Format Heading

The heading format (H2, H3, and so on) can be used also to optimize your post structure. Which format is selected? In my opinion, it depends on the taste of bloggers. For me, the H3 format is sufficient to give an explanation of the pound-points or subheadings of the post made.

6. Alt text

Search engines can detect images via alternate text for images (alt text). For that purpose, make the best possible alternative text. Some SEO practitioners suggest this alternative text is populated with the targeted keywords. However, I ignored her suggestion because I filled out alternative text with keywords related to the targeted keyword.

7. Internal links

Do not forget to create a link to your previous post (known as internal link). In addition to providing a linked posting signal to search engines, internal links also provide additional information to visitors.

8. External links

In addition to internal links, also create links to other trusted people's blogs or sites (external links). The goal gives signals to search engines that your post refers to a trusted source or reference. Of course, external links also provide additional reference options to visitors who want to know more about the topic of your post.

9. Latent Semantic Indexing

Do not just sow keywords in your post. Conversely, sow is also a keyword that is relevant to the targeted keyword. This relevance includes latent semantic indexing (LSI). For the purpose of this LSI, I usually use synonyms or snippets of targeted keywords. For example, top-rated vacuum cleaners are synonymous best vacuum cleaners.

The use of LSI aims to signal to the search engines that your postings are natural because it promotes context, not text. I believe Google knows about these signals because the algorithms are designed to understand the context of the content.

10. Blog loading speed

The last factor is the speed of loading your blog. This factor is important because it affects the experience of your blog visitors and Google incorporates it as one of the ranking factors in its search results. Of course, the speed of loading your blog is affected hosting quality used.

By paying attention to ten factors above, on-page SEO will be simpler. So forget the keyword being bold, the keyword is tilted, the link says the key to the post itself, and the link says the key to the image in the post itself.

What on-page SEO factors have you been paying attention to?