Make change Avatar Size Of Blogger Comments

June 12, 2015
You can see the default avatar in blogger comments and that avatar has default size but most of the people may not like this size, so they want to change the size of avatar. Here we are going to tell you simple trick to modify the avatar size of blogger comments. Changing the avatar size is very easy, there you just should add CSS code. Just follow the following steps to make change the avatar size.

Step 1: Login to blogger dashboard then go to template and click on the edit html

Step 2: Then type the below code into the search box.


Step 3: Use the following code in the css box

 .comments .avatar-image-container{
background-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
border:1px solid #ccc;
margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
width: 64px;
max-height: 64px;
.comments .avatar-image-container img{
margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
max-width: 64px;
height: 64px;

You can change the avatars size by changing the value of Avatar width.

Step 4: And then click the save template and then click on apply the change.

How to Add Comment Counter On Each Post

June 10, 2015
Stylish Comment Counter
The blogger has given the facility of counting of post comment in each post's footer which can not be familier for the visitors and users. So if you want to show the comment counter to the header title in blogger, follow this tutorial.

Adding the comment counter in the head can be the attraction of your visitors. This can encourage more visitors to comment more on your posts. So if you also think this can be good, then here we are going to show a tips that can easily add comment count in the top of the header title.
  1. First of all get signnig into your blogger account.
  2. Second, Go to Template and Click on Edit HTML. 
  3. Then just find  ]]></b:skin> pressing (ctrl + f).
  4. Now paste the given code just above the  ]]></b:skin>.
.comment-count {height : 48px;width : 48px;background : url(  IMAGE URL  );background-repeat: no-repeat;text-align : center;position:absolute;font-size : 20px;margin-top : -20px;margin-right : 3px;

Note: You can replace whatever image by placing url in blue IMAGE URL. You also can change the attributes values of css like font-size, margin, width and height etc.

Now it is the time to add comment count code:-

Just find this code <h2 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> .
If it doesnot exist then find this  class='post-title entry-title'.

Now put the following cod just below the above code.
<b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'><a class='comment-count' expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'><data:post.numComments/></a></b:if>
At last click on Save Template.

Well done, you have done successfully. Now open your blog and see on your new comment counter.
Thank You.

Verified Twitter Page Tick Mark For Admin Comments In Blogger

June 10, 2015
Verified Icon

Are you a blogger? Yes definitely you should be a blogger. If you are a blogger, the one that you should have noticed ie comment box of the blogger. Yeh I know that you can hide that comment box but if you want this comment from the visitors, then there you should show that comment box.

Today, I am not only going to tell you hidden and shown comment box of blogger, I am going to tell the difference of comments by users and reply comment of admin. I think you have already noticed that there you can not see any difference between users comment and admin comment. So if you want to make different style reply comment of admin, you have to follow this tutorial. Admin's comment should be different than other because sometime you have to suggest and warn the visitors, then in that time people should who is saying these things.
Here now I am going to tell you how to make different comment of admin from users. So you can add verified twitter page tick mark for blogger admin or author comment. Have you ever noticed a tick mark in any celebrity and leader's twitter page. This kind of verified mark is only provided for the worldwide famous stuff, such as for actors, best companies etc. Likewise we are just going to put it as for an admin comments.

Follow the following instructions for further process.

  • Log in into you blogger account.
  • Go to the template as usual.
  • Press ctrl+f and find .comments .comments-content, then delete all the code inside this class. The content looks this:
background-repeat: no-repeat;  background-image: url();
  • Now you should paste the following code in that deleted field.
background: url("") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
  • Then click on Save Template.
Congratulation, you have successfully done this job.
Comment us for any problem. 
Thank You.

How to Make Stylish 404 Error Page For Blogger

June 10, 2015
404 error message icon
When someone tries to get into the page that is not existed, then server default shows 404 error page. It obviously means that the page that you are trying to get into is not available recently. So this can be little bit bad for the users when they see this message. But if you write this message in the another way to make them exciting about your page. For this, you can add a custom 404 error page with custom image which can make your visitors very exciting about your blogs. So in order to customize this message, I wrote some techniques here. Just follow the tips and enjoy blogging.

Some blogger just want to change the message and just want to show custom message. So if you are this type of blogger, just enter into your dashboard and go to setting and click on search preference and just type your custom message.
error message

Now if you want to add stylish 404 message with image, then just follow these instructions.
  • First of all go to your blogger account. 
  • Now press ctrl+f and find the </head> then just paste the below code above it.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "error_page"'><style type="text/css">.status-msg-wrap{font-size:100%;margin:none;position:static;width:100%}.status-msg-border{display:none}.status-msg-body{padding:none;position:static;text-align:inherit;width:100%;z-index:auto}.status-msg-wrap a{padding:none;text-decoration:inherit}</style></b:if>

  • Click on Save Template.
  • Now change the error page style.
  • Just go to the setting of your blogger and click on search preferences.
  • Paste the following code into the custom page not found field as shown in the above figure.
<h2 style="font-size: 35px;margin: 0;text-align: center;">Oops..! </h2><h3 style="font-size:17px;">Sorry, This Page is not available....!<br><a href="/">Click here</a> to go to Homepage <br> Have a great Day...</h3><img src=""/>
  • Now save it.
 You have done successfully. Thanks for visiting our site. Enjoy Blogging.